Saturday, September 1, 2012

Chapter 6: #3

One topic I found very interesting in the reading was Boss' idea of asking the right questions. Asking questions is a very good way to not only get to know people but also learn information. He emphasizes that the way we speak plays a major role in how far we can get in a conversation. When we conversate with others and ask questions we must stay aware of our tone of voice. I know that there are two methods of communication: passive and aggressive. Normally passive communication will get people to sway to your side and answer questions because it gives the impression that you are friendly. In contrast, when we speak with an aggressive tone, we come off as being demanding and angry and this can easily escalate the volume in a conversation and lead to arguments. Through Boss' reading I thought about this, and I do strongly believe that our tone of voice plays a major role in our communication with others. In the sense of asking questions to get somewhere, I believe it is not only asking the right questions but also asking them in the proper manner.

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