Sunday, September 30, 2012

Chapter 2: #2

The argument between Aquinas and Dawkins about the incompatibility of God and evolution is VERY interesting to me.  Being a science major, I strongly believe in evolution, but at the same time, I am a devout Catholic who believes in God. I disagree with Dawkins because I have never had a problem believing both science and religion. Dawkins does make some valid points and Aquinas' views are somewhat dated, but I disagree with his thoughts. Yes, we do not know whether God is real or not, but at the same time, we do not know what exactly started "everything." Did things just tend to happen over time as matter and particles drifted in space? Or did some being or something make it so that something would start and everything would evolve? I believe that if Aquinas were alive today, Dawkins and him would disagree and argue over this. Aquinas would challenge Dawkins and vice versa, but I don't think this debate will ever come to and end.

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