Saturday, September 15, 2012

Chapter 7: #2

I believe that Dr. Novello is a great example of cause and effect. Cause and effect is when something results directly from something else. The problem in 1988 was teenagers were smoking more, and this was a direct result from the companies directing their ads at children. In finding a solution, Dr. Novello thought that by pushing to educate the children, the result would be children and teenagers stopping smoking. This is a strong example of cause and effect reasoning and this can not only be seen here but in our daily lives. Everything happens as a result from something else, so we must be mindful of everything we do. Dr. Novello shows us two solid examples of this because we see both points of view, her point of view on how to ban and stop smoking, as well as the point of view from the companies such as Camel that directed their ads at children and teenagers.

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