Friday, September 7, 2012

Chapter 8: #1

I believe that in the story "Silve Blaze," Sherlock Holmes tries to portray that when people are reasoning with each other, each side of the conflict can be blinded by their emotions and opinions causing them to not see both sides of the argument. Because they cannot detach these emotions or opinions, we choose to rely on them rather than looking up and understanding the facts. I believe that this is very true, but I feel like it should not. Because of this, we fail to see both sides of a story and this makes our reasoning invalid.

A couple months ago,  a friend and I were not seeing eye to eye because rumors were spread regarding a friend and me. I had heard that my friend went around, telling people lies behind my back, in response to this I would talk to people about it and it made it seem like I was talking about him behind my back. Eventually, we confronted each other and talked about it, apparently he never did talk about me and it was only another rumor going around. Because of those rumors, I falsely assumed and blamed him even when I should not have. My reasoning became invalid and stupid because I assumed without looking at the facts.


  1. Hi,
    I feel like a lot of drama happens between people because opinions were mistaken for facts, especially in high school. I feel like people always say that it is better to believe in facts than what other people say, but it's hard to differentiate between what is true and what is not. We have to go to the real source to find out, but sometimes that's a hard thing to do. If someone was saying something bad about me, I would have a hard time confronting that person because it is such an awkward thing to ask. It takes a lot of courage. I'm glad you asked your friend about those rumors and sorted everything out.

  2. Hi AvatarAang,
    It sucks that opinions and emotions can blind us all from seeing the truth. It is good that you and your friend finally talked about the conflict going on between you two. It's always hard in those situations because the second you hear it, you may get angry and start ranting to another friend about the problem. It is always easy for rumors to turn friendships away, but it sounds like you saved yours by going straight to the person that it seemed to have been about. I'm glad to hear that even though you thought you were wrong, you still decided to put away your pride to get your friend back.
