Sunday, September 30, 2012

Chapter 2: #3

Chapter two covered many topics, and most of them related to the idea of emotion. In particular, I took to heart the section on empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and share feelings with others. In my group of friends, I always want everyone to be happy. Because of this, whenever I see that someone is acting a little different or off, I tend to try to pull them aside and talk to them about it. I believe that the best way to help others with problems is to really understand where they are coming from and put yourself in their shoes. Yes, some situations are completely unrelateable to me, but I do try my best to see things not only as myself but I try to see things as others. The one thing/one goal I truly want in my life is to make my loved ones happy.

1 comment:

  1. Empathy is a really good skill to have. Being able to relate to others and have an open mind will allow for you to open doors and make connections with other people. I think that it is really sweet that you want to make your loved ones feel happy, just don’t forget about making yourself happy in the process! I also have an open mind to those that are different from me. Remember you can’t make everyone happy no matter how hard you try. & if you try to make everyone happy then they might end up taking advantage of you. Keep that in mind when dealing with your friends as well!
