Friday, August 31, 2012

Chapter 6: #2

High school was a time for pretty much everyone that is filled with a lot of pressure and wanting to be "cool" and popular. For the most part, I tried my best to stay on everyone's good side and avoid making any enemies. But this was put to the test when I found out that one of my friends was cheating on my other friend. I had no idea what to do, and if I should have told him or not. I knew that cheating was wrong and that I should tell him, but in the other hand I did not want to lose the other one as my friend. I talked to her about it, and she told me that if I did she wouldn't be my friend anymore and that she wouldn't talk to me. I decided to tell my friend that his girlfriend was cheating on him and they ended up breaking up. Yes, he was upset but today he is happy and he remains to be one of my good friends. Because of this, I began to realize that my true friends are the ones that will stick with me, forgive me, and know they can count on me to make the right decisions.

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