I believe that through my media experiences I am able to get a broader and more diverse view on topics. The media is a way in which thoughts and ideas can be shared, whether they agree with your beliefs, or challenge them. For example, with the most recent election last week, I was able to see an abundance of posts about the propositions and the president on Facebook and twitter. Not me personally, but I would see a lot of people debating on each other's status, I'm sure many probably unfriended people. I believe this is a prime example of how media experiences can either challenge or reinforce my worldviews. Through looking through media, I am able to see everyone's thoughts on certain things, and learn even more things I had not known before.
Not only do social networks count as media, but also things such as a television can be considered media. Through the media, I am able to view and educate myself on certain things that will enhance my knowledge and either reinforce or challenge my current world views.
I agree with what you said about how media can also be something that can help educate us. The election that you used for an example is a great example because Facebook and Twitter was actually one of the main Medias that brought upon the election especially with many people talking about them. I too had witnessed many people debating about who would be fit to run this country and many of those debates heated up. You can learn a lot of things especially through media because it can be easily accessed from many people and it is quick. I really liked the fact that you said that media is something we can learn from as well because many other students didn't bring that up. It’s true that media can help influence our views on many things and enhance our knowledge. Media is actually a good place to help educate ourselves about many thing but can also challenge our views.