Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chapter 11: #2

After reading both Sadler and Hunt's arguments, it is clear to me that I agree with Sadler. Sadler is much more strict when it comes to plagiarism and pretty much states that it is not acceptable. Sadler backs up the argument with 10 good reasons as to why it is bad. Sadler also states that there should be harsh punishment for those who commit plagiarism, not just failing. Honestly, I agree with this because plagiarism is a serious issue that is when someone takes credit for someone else and doesn't do the work. When someone gets the work from somewhere else, I don't see how that would benefit a student at all. Plagiarism is something that shouldn't be done. I don't agree with Hunt because I don't see at all how plagiarism is a good thing. Hunt's argument does not seem to make sense to me. Through Hunt's argument, he states that it is beneficial for the student and the teacher because the teacher must find a better way to teach. In the end, Hunt's argument stating that plagiarism is a good and that the  universities encourage plagiarism, just doesn't make sense to me at all.

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