Sunday, November 4, 2012

Chapter 10: #1

Throughout the past week, I have seen many different forms of advertising. For example, I have seen ads on TV for a couple of shows that I watch. I found these to be very effective because it built suspense by including bits of the new episode, and it also reminded me of exactly when it will air. By adding suspense, it makes me excited and I can't wait to be able to watch the new episode. An example of this is the new How I Met Your Mother episode. They haven't aired a new episode in two weeks and I completely forgot about the show, but seeing the advertisement I was drawn in yet again. An advertisement I did not find effective has been the most recent Apple Advertisements. With every new release, they always just show a simple picture of the new product (maybe rotate around it), and simply put "the NEW iPad" or the "iPhone 5." I, although I own an iPhone, am getting tired of this strategy. It is simple, yet boring. They believe that by simply putting the word new or a bigger number, they will sell more.

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