Saturday, December 8, 2012

Final Discussion: #3

I believe that one topic that can go even deeper in discussion is Wisdom and knowledge. I believe this topic has many pathways that a discussion can go. I do believe we did discuss this to a good point, but I also feel that it could still go even more in depth and share more views onto the differences and similarities with in both of them. Wisdom and knowledge is a very interesting topic to me that always seems to come down to personal ideas and views on each, and I feel like going into this more can help shape a better perspective on everyone's values. I, myself, believe that wisdom and knowledge are two very different things but they come hand in hand with each other. Both wisdom and knowledge affect who we are, how we act, and who we become in the future. Because of this, I believe that it is one of the most interesting topics we covered this semester.

Friday, December 7, 2012

FInal Discussion: #2

I believe my favorite thing about the class was the blogs. The blogs and the discussions with our classmates were very interesting to me. Although we are not seeing and discussing in person, I'm glad I am able to see everyone's thoughts on the readings. I believe this is a good way to get everyone to participate and share their ideas with everyone else. There was nothing in this class that I didn't really like at all. For the most part, I believe this class was very interesting and fun. Although I am not the biggest fan of group papers, I still enjoyed doing the ones for this class as they seemed like a good way to come to a better understanding and applying the concepts into the real world. I believe this class is a very good class, but I don't necessarily like the 12 hour gap between posts. I think that instead of three discussion questions, it would be good to require more comments on others and only 2 discussion questions.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Final Discussion: #1

Over the semester, I have learned a lot through this class. I have learned how to analyze and come to good logic and reasoning. I understand what affects and how our reasoning and logic can be influenced by emotion as well as our past experiences. Because of this class, I am able to understand and point out the different fallacies in arguments made by advertisements or other people. I believe with all of these qualities, I have become a more well rounded person who has a better understanding of the world.
I have also been able to learn about how science can be applied in our daily lives with everything we do, in that we need to find proof and solid evidence before coming to any conclusions. We can not simply judge things without any solid proof to support our conclusions.  I was also able to understand internet usage and how much the internet has grown. This internet usage is vital within today's generation and can both be detrimental or helpful.  This class was a very interesting class overall.