Sunday, October 7, 2012

Chapter 3: #2

Throughout this weeks reading, I was able to gain a better understanding of what rhetorical devices are. After learning about them, I realize that I use rhetorical devices daily, especially in the form of Sarcasm or Hyperbole. I believe that I use sarcasm the most as a way to jokingly taunt others by saying things that are the opposite of what I mean. For example, my friend asked to borrow my phone to call his phone because he misplaced it, and I instantly go "No!" Although I said no, I was handing him my phone at the same time. Another form of rhetoric that I use often is hyperbole. I realize I don't only use this in speech, but also through text messages on chatting online. Simple common terms today such as LMAO and LOL can be huge exaggerations seen through text, cause I know sometimes I say it, I am not really "laughing my ass off" or "laughing out loud," instead I am chuckling in my head. Through this chapter, I was able to realize how often I speak using rhetorical devices.


  1. I like the example you use in the sarcasm. Sarcasm can easily apply in our daily life, especially with our friends. Because they will know we are not mean to hurt or harm their felling. Unlike when we are with strangers, they may not get our way to speak is sarcasm. In that case, they will misunderstand us and assume we are really being rude and make fun of them in an impolite way. I, myself, always do the same thing as you to my friends too. I guess this is one of the away to communicate with our friends. With sarcasm, we can make our lives more interesting and entertaining at the same time. However, we need to use this rhetorical device at the right place and right time.

  2. I also like you example of sarcasm. It is part of everyday life. I can say that I use it all the time, but not out anger. I mostly use it as a joke. I use it when I talk to my friends and family about little things. It is a good way to joke around with them in a properly manner. I believe the use of sarcasm is risky to use just because people can take it in a good or bad way. If anything it is used very broadly around the world ruder than in a humorous manner.
